Before using any command line parameters please ensure that you have sufficient command line experience and you know exactly what you are doing.

In DOS, OS/2, and Microsoft Windows, a batch file is a text file containing a series of commands intended to be executed by the command interpreter. Similar to job control language and other systems on mainframe and minicomputer systems, batch files were added to ease the work required for certain regular tasks by allowing the user to set up a batch script to automate many commands.

When a batch file is run, the shell program (usually COMMAND.COM or cmd.exe) reads the file and executes its commands, normally line-by-line. Batch files are useful for running a sequence of executables automatically and are often used to automate repetitive or tedious processes. DOS batch files have the filename extension .bat.

Note that SCSI and IDE functionality is limited in Windows 10.

The general format of commands:

start /wait DTAgent.exe -[Command [options]]

The content in the square brackets is an optional part of the command, you may use it but don't have to. The square brackets are not a part of the command. Command keywords must be preceded by a hyphen and multiple parameters must be separated by commas.

We suggest to use the 'start /wait' command. Normally the commands are shown line-by-line, but sometimes they can be interrupted with standart input lines or random paragraphs.


  • -add

Adds a single virtual device.

Syntax: -add <type>

<type>: "dt", "ide" or "scsi"

Example: DTAgent.exe -add ide

  • -add_hdd

Adds and mounts a virtual HDD device.

Syntax: -add_hdd <letter>, <path>;

<letter> — a letter that specifies the device. This parameter is optional. The first free letter will be chosen if this parameter is not specified.

<path> — a path to the file.

Example: DTAgent.exe -add_hdd K, "f:\test.vhd"

  • set_count

Adds or removes virtual devices (desired number of devices is passed as <n>).

Syntax: -set_count <type>,<n>

<type>: "dt", "ide" or "scsi"

<n>: number of virtual devices to be emulated

Example: DTAgent.exe -set_count ide, 1

Note that you can set only 2 IDE devices in Windows 8 because of the system limitations. However, using -add command, you can create up to 4 IDE devices.

  • -mount

Creates a virtual drive and mounts an image file to one:

Syntax: -mount <type>,<letter>,<path>

<type>: "dt", "ide" or "scsi". DT Drive will be created if nothing is specified.

<letter>: device letter. The first unoccupied letter will be chosen if not specified

<path>: path to image file

Example: DTAgent.exe -mount scsi, M,"C:\My Images\name_of_image.ape"

  • -mount_to

Mounts an image file to an existing virtual drive:

Syntax: -mount <letter>,<path>

<letter>: device letter

<path>: path to image file

Example: DTAgent.exe -mount_to M,"C:\My Images\name_of_image.ape"

  • -unmount

Unmounts an image from a virtual drive.

Syntax: -unmount <letter>

<letter>: device letter

Example: DTAgent.exe -unmount M

  • -unmount_all

Unmounts all currently mounted images.

Syntax: -unmount_all

Example: DTAgent.exe -unmount_all

  • -remove

Unmounts (if needed) and deletes the specified drive.

Syntax: -remove <letter>

<letter>: device letter

Example: DTAgent.exe -remove M

  • -remove_all

Unmounts and removes all virtual devices.

Example: DTAgent.exe -remove_all

  • -get_letter

Returns a letter assigned to an optical virtual device.

Syntax: -get_letter <type>,<n>

<type>: "dt", "ide" or "scsi"

<n>: device number

Example: DTAgent.exe -get_letter scsi, 1

  • -get_count

Gets number of virtual devices.

Syntax: -get_count <type>

<type>: "dt", "ide" or "scsi", if omitted would return total quantity of virtual drives

Example: DTAgent.exe -get_count scsi

  • -help

Displays brief help on command line parameters.

Syntax: -help

Example: DTAgent.exe -help